Happy New Year's to all my family and friends. January is a great time to get your photos organized and ready to crop in the New Year. I have some new things planned out for this year and I am so excited. I hope you will be joining me at some of the events I am planning this year.
I set up a Meetup.com group http://www.meetup.com/Crop-Some-Memories to help stop the duplication of events going out to your email accounts and so I do not forget anyone this year. If you would take a moment to sign up that would be great.
Information on the 2011 clubs will be posted soon here and on the Crop Some Memories Web page; http://www.wix.com/cropsomememories/crop-some-memories.
Thank you everyone who participated in the survey. If you have not and still would like to answer the survey http://fs6.formsite.com/CropSomeMemories/form5/index.html it is not to late.